We are pleased to announce the success of
Sherwood Park Open Summer 2017
Date: August 26, 2017
Venue: Strathcona Community Center. Strathcona Community Center
Address: 401 Festival Ln, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 5T8.
Events Result:
- 3x3x3 (1st: Paris Dorn; 2nd: Theodore Chow; 3rd: Eric Hess)
- 2x2x2 (1st: Paris Dorn; 2nd: Kyan Barnett; 3rd: Jackson Pichurski)
- 4x4x4 (1st: Paris Dorn; 2nd: Eric Hess; 3rd: Mark Nie)
- 3x3x3 One-Handed (1st: Theodore Chow; 2nd: Mark Nie; 3rd: Jake Klassen)
- 3x3x3 Blindfolded (1st: Jake Klassen; 2nd: Theodore Chow; 3rd: Alex D. Mackie; Honorable mention 4th (1st Bld Mom): Yvonne Chow )
- Megaminx (1st: Paris Dorn; 2nd: Coren Broughton; 3rd: Ryan Yasinko)
- Pyraminx (1st: Jeffrey Draper; 2nd: Coren Broughton; 3rd: Kabir Johal)
Detail result can be found WCA / CubeComps.
Top 20 players list as calculated using Kinch Comps.